
Incredible numbers and spectacular races at the 11th IDBF Dragon Boat Club Crew World Championships

Incredible numbers and spectacular races at the 11th IDBF Dragon Boat Club Crew World Championships


After 6 days of intense racing, the biggest world championship in dragon boat history ended on Sunday, 22 July 2018.

6200 paddlers from 140 clubs, travelled from 28 countries to compete in the 11th IDBF Dragon Boat Club Crew World Championships in Szeged, Hungary.

During the first four days, the crews challenged each other in the 200- and 500-meter races, held at the Olympic Center of Szeged. They continued with the 2000-meter circular-course races on the river Tisza, in the heart of Szeged, by Huszár Mátyás wharf.

Péter Járosi, President of the Hungarian Dragon Boat Federation (HDBF), proudly stated that the competition was very exciting, full of extremely tight, head-to-head races. He felt the “Chasing Race” especially made an impact on the crowd; a 2000-meter staggered circuit on the river Tisza, the race gave the spectators a  glorious view of the colorful boats. Starting one after another, the nerve-wracked teams paddled hard and gave the audience a good show, with many boats challenging and overtaking each other, finishing only hundredths of a second apart. 

Even though the weather tested everybody, the crews managed to overcome heat, rain, wind, and the strong current of the Tisza, with inspiring enthusiasm.

The competition was electrifying and the teams achieved some amazing results. The crews celebrated and cheered for each other during the race, as well as during the medal ceremonies, showing real sportsmanship.

The closing ceremony marked the end of the Championships, with trophies presented to the most successful international and Hungarian clubs. The Cups, established by the Hungarian Dragon Boat Federation and International Dragon Boat Federation (IDBF), were jointly handed to the winners by Mike Thomas, President of IDBF and Péter Járosi, President of HDBF.

The trophy awarded for “Best Overall Club Challenge-Cup” went to the Canadian team ‘22 Dragons Montreal’, and the trophy for “Best Hungarian Club” went to ‘Dunai Sárkányok Vác’. 

Mike Thomas expressed his satisfaction and gratitude to the athletes, and to the organizers, for the high quality of the Championships, and encouraged all paddlers to stay and enjoy the entertainment and blow off some steam.  

The teams took this to heart and said goodbye to the Championship in style, with music from DJ Petró and DJ Viktória Metzker, at a magnificent riverside party under the stars.

Check the gallery here:



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