Lincoln Dragon Boat Team
Lincoln Dragon Boat Team
Lincoln Dragon Boat Team is a family on and off the water, consisting of dedicated paddlers who are learning respect, responsibility, and sportsmanship. We do not paddle and work hard to win, but we do it to spread the love of the sport, community, fitness, and friendship.
And we truly believe this team is more than just about racing - it is also about uniting a diverse group of young adults to accomplish a common goal together, fostering diligence and sincerity in what we do. We believe in creating a community that will allow everyone to grow to their fullest potential and to develop integrity that goes beyond paddling.
Established in San Francisco in 1996, Abraham Lincoln Dragon Boat has continued to be a respected presence within the student body of its high school, as well as the dragon boat community of the Bay Area. Our team consists of 100 members (four crews) making us, not only the largest organization in the school, but also the largest dragon boat team in California. This year, we will be bringing our top crew (37 paddlers) to represent our city, school, community, and country in the following categories: Junior A Mixed, Open, and Women (Small Boat). We pride ourselves as the only competitive, physical activity in the school that allows and encourages both males and females on the same playing field. Our team has won numerous championships in the past and currently holds the championship titles in both the 2016 and 2017 Northern California International Dragon Boat Festival, and 2017 and 2018 CDBA Youth Race. We also achieved the highest win count within CDBA and set the record of sweeping the top divisions in Mixed, Open, and Women three times in a row (2017-2018). Every year, we make it a goal to compete internationally to immerse ourselves in different cultures around the world through dragon boating. We had the privilege to represent our school and city in many different locations including the East Bay, Long Beach, San Diego, Canada, Hong Kong and for the first time in 2018, Hungary.
Feel free to follow us on Social Media:
Instagram @lincolnarmy
Facebook @LincolnDragonBoat
Videos can be found on YouTube by searching Lincoln Dragon Boat
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