Manly Dragon Boat Club (MDBC)
Manly Dragon Boat Club (MDBC)
The Manly Dragon Boat Club (MDBC) was created in 2006 and since then we have grown to around 120 members. Manly is located on Moreton Bay in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Brisbane enjoys a sub-tropical climate with conditions favourable to dragon boating all year round. Some say jokingly that the Brisbane winter only lasts for about one week in July. That might explain why so many of our club were prepared to travel so far this time. Numbering close to 60 paddlers, this is the largest contingent we have ever sent to compete internationally.
The Manly Dragons mantra is to “Believe and Achieve” and this is what we always try to do. Since our inception we have been fortunate enough to taste success at all levels. Indeed, since 2012 we have won gold medals and placed many times in every national and international competition that we’ve entered. This includes gold medal placings at the last three Club Crew World Championships, in Hong Kong, Italy and Australia.
Being from the southern hemisphere, May to August would normally be our off-season but this year we have not stopped training at all. Once again we arrive with great hopes to do well but for the Manly Dragons, the most important thing is to enjoy the experience of competing in this beautiful, historic country against the best clubs in the world.
The Manly Dragons wish all clubs the best of luck in this fabulous competition. We hope it will be as enjoyable an experience for everyone as we know it will be for us. See you on the water.
For more information on the club, please visit
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